Research & Data

Measuring outcomes is critical to providing girls with the right support and opportunities to thrive.

Our Approach to Research

Girls Inc. LA measures the success of our program through a combination of quantitative and qualitative outcomes, consistently tracked throughout the year. To gauge interest, confidence in the subjects and key social-emotional measures, girls complete surveys at the start, middle, and end of the year. Additionally, we survey families and school partners to measure their satisfaction and feedback on programs.

When we use the latest evidence to drive quality improvement, sustainability, and advocacy efforts, we can inspire transformative action to support all girls in being Strong, Smart & Bold.


Research & Data

icon-heart shape Strong & Healthy
93 %
of girls agreed or strongly agreed that "Girls Inc. programming is fun and engaging"
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icon-star shape Smart & Educated
86 %
of girls agreed or strongly agreed that "Girls Inc. teaches me things I might not learn at school"
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icon-sun shape Bold & Independent
80 %
of girl agreed or strongly agreed "At Girls Inc. I can be myself"
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icon-heart shape Safe & Supported
85 %
of girls agreed or strongly agreed that "I feel safe and supported at Girls Inc."
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The Reports

Girls Inc. girls outperform peers on key indicators.

From 2017 to 2019, the American Institutes for Research implemented a quasi-experimental research study with four Girls Inc. affiliates and their school districts in small, medium, and large communities that were reflective of the larger Girls Inc. network.
The results are truly compelling, documenting with strong evidence that Girls Inc. changes the trajectory of girls’ lives and sets them up for life-long success.

Research and Data Icon
The Impact of Girls Inc. on Academic and Behavioral Outcomes
Impact Study Icon
Impact Study Executive Summary
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Lessons from AIR’s Girls Inc. AIR Study: What Helps Girls Thrive