It Starts With Girls

We are guided by the vision of powerful girls in an equitable society.

Inspiring All Girls To Be Strong, Smart 
& Bold.

4th Annual LA Girls Rise Benefit
May 8th at Paramount Studios. Sponsorships Available!


Our Mission

We’re building a new generation of strong, smart and bold leaders 
in Los Angeles


Who We Are
We are committed to empowering the girls of Los Angeles to tap into their strengths and amplify their talents, transcending stereotypes and systemic barriers to become leaders of today and tomorrow.
What We Do
We equip girls to defy limitations and stereotypes. Our focus is on helping girls rise through pro-girl results-oriented programs, events and advocacy.

Our Impact

We help girls gain the knowledge and skills to effect positive change in 
their lives. They become leaders who will change the world.

icon-heart shape Girls-only Environment
96 %
of our participants are proud to be a Girls Inc. girl
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icon-star shape Mentoring Relationships
85 %
of girls agreed or strongly agreed that "I feel safe and supported at Girls Inc."
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icon-sun shape Intentional & Compensatory Programming
93 %
of girls agreed or strongly agreed that "Girls Inc. programming is fun and engaging"
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With Girls Inc., I was able to do the things I couldn't do before.  I am now ready for anything that high school has prepared for me.   

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Get Involved

Stand with girls. Your generosity shows girls you believe in them and their potential.

Get Involved

Become A
 Corporate Partner
Become a
Corporate Partner
Make a difference by creating
pathways to lifelong success.
Become An
Individual Investor
Become a Bold Champion
Join the exclusive Bold Champions for Girls philanthropic society.
Become a Volunteer
Make a difference in the lives of the girls we serve by volunteering weekly or hosting a workshop.
Become an Intern
Engage in an educational work environment to support your professional development and goals.
Become A Social Ambassador
Become a Social Ambassador
Help raise awareness and create a world in which all girls are valued and respected.

Our Supporters

Our supporters are committed to increasing access and opportunities for all girls.

Our Supporters

Snapchat Foundation